EVFAC Board meeting minutes 1-20-2022

EVFAC Board meeting minutes 1-20-2022

Meeting started around 4:00pm

Attendees:  Maria Jonsson (board mem.), Leigh Alexander (treasurer), Debbie Harris (retail manager), Dain Daller (board mem & teacher), Lisa Trujillo (weaver, Centinella Arts), Mark Bond (board mem.), Carol Newkirk (board mem. Moderator), Roy Kady (Navajo weaver, teacher), Dana Ecelberger (member), Trish Spillman (member, founder).

Meeting minutes approved from last meeting, this meeting agenda motioned to start by Mark, Carol approved.

1st Agenda item:  Lisa Trujillo

-$50,000 donation to Chimayo weaving community by Ariat (clothing, western wear) company via Lisa.  She would like EVFAC to get it, matches EVFACs mission statement, i.e education, community outreach.  Centinella Arts works with this company,  licensing their designs.  Very interested in Rio Grande weaving style, southwest designs and the weaving community in the Espanola valley.  Wants to help develop a training program in the area to produce more professional weavers.  Wants to see Chimayo weaving as a viable income/living.  Wants to partner with youth organizations like Moving Arts.  EVFAC would partner with Irvin/Lisa/Emily Trujillo, Carlos Trujillo, and Robert Ortega (Ortega weavers).  Cecilia Romero is a contact person.  Dain mentioned NNMCC (Heather Howard teacher)-although they are not having any classes at the moment.  Lisa mentioned that there is a shortage of professional weavers.  Emily is willing to teach.  Rudy Lee Valdez is a professional weaver (fast).  A subcommittee was formed which consists of :  M. Jonsson (weaver), T. Spillman (weaver), M. Bond (weaver), L. Alexander (weaver), Roy Kady (weaver), L. Trujillo (business owner & weaver), and Dana Ecelberger (EVFAC member familiar with grants, programs.  Danaa3@gmail.com 

2nd Agenda item: Debbie Harris etc. 

-Classes, Covid 19 protocol etc.  We discussed starting to plan classes at EVFAC and whether or not we should require students/teachers to be fully vaccinated.  We decided that this would be our policy from now on.  Can we upload the vaccination card on line when they sign up for class?  

3rd Agenda item:  Fall Fiber Fiesta review.  

-3 different money collecting systems, a little confusing, needs to be streamlined next time, lots of work.  Sales totaled $7000 total, in store selling more profitable, on-line store so so.  Need to write a grant for this years event.  People need to collect their items.  

4th Agenda item:  Dye Kitchen/Electrical problems/Washing machine donation    

-Carol N.  Plumber who was working on dye kitchen has a lot of sick family members, he ordered parts but has been unable at present to complete the work.  Ordered a stove part, takes a day to get other parts, will complete the work on a day the center is closed.  Need to hire an electrician to do the electrical work (the switch and ventilation system).   Washing machine donation, needs to be fixed, is it worth it?  The center has no functional washing machine at present.  Electrical plugs up in front room not working, plugs are damaged.  Will hire an electrician.

5th Agenda item:  Classes at EVFAC 

Julie Gomez teaching Colcha embroidery at the end of February.  All students will be vaccinated.  Carol N. may do a felting class?   Or Dain?  Talked about board members taking turns organizing teachers.  Must plan a month ahead of time in order to promote class.  Amanda Speer wants to start teaching a dye class once a month.  Maria J. will try to organize classes for April.  Will reach out to a couple of Fiber Artists in Los Alamos (Maggy Pavlou and Valentina Devine).  Emily Trujillo may be able to teach in May.  Need to get someone to teach needle felting, lots of inquiries about this.  Leigh offered to organize classes for July.  

6th Agenda item:  Memberships/Gift cards

-Membership clarification, when you pay your membership fees it is from that date for one year.  Debbie:  gift cards.  The primary benefits of gift cards is you can use it at the center and on line.  Leigh said it couldn’t be used for consigned items, but the gift cards should be able to be used for everything.  No exceptions.  Everyone pretty much agreed with this at the end of the discussion.  Need a design for the card, the churro sheep image on the mug is good.  100 gift cards cost $169.  You pay for the management of the cards.  We took a vote on the cards and everyone is for them.  Amanda S. may help us with the graphics on the card.

7th Agenda item:  Member who has not returned a spinning wheel. Debbie H.

-Need to get spinning wheel back, Debbie has sent out 2 certified letters, emails not answered, unable to contact the person (Acoma Pueblo).  $100 deposit was made, spinning wheel is worth $638.  Should we file a police report?  Waiting 2 weeks after certified letter was sent.  What are our rights?  Needs more research.  Does EVFACs insurance cover this?  We tabled this agenda item.  

We also tabled retaining a 60” loom at center for member rental.

Debbie H. is working on getting other shelving to redisplay fabrics, will get something second hand.  Will have a volunteer party to help with this.  Debbie wants to prioritize weaving supplies, selling well.  

There will be no Fiber Crawl this year in May.  

Scheduled next board meeting for 10th of February at 4pm.  Maria J. will be out of town, someone else will have to take notes.  

Meeting ended at 6:09pm


February 10, 2022 Fiber Arts Center Board Meeting