December 15,2022 - EVFAC Board meeting minutes

EVFAC Board meeting minutes December 15,2022


-board members- Carol N., Leigh A., Mark B., Maria J., Dain D.,  and Roy Kady. 

-EVFAC members- Lisa Deburlo, Nadina Barnes

Meeting started at 4pm, minutes of last board meeting on October 6 were approved, Mark moved to approve and Leigh seconded, all in favor ay…

Meeting Agenda:  Churro Week, EVFAC Rental, Financials for FFF, General Financial Report, Fashion Show 2023, Ariat Grant, Christmas bonuses for staff, Class Cancelation Policy, EVFAC hours.

1st agenda item:  Fall Fiber Fiesta Financials    Leigh etc.

After all expenses and feed were paid, EVFAC made $1169.98, not counting grant $ from Santa Fe Lodge & Perfection (getting back $1000 deposit).  The New Mexico Arts (NMA) grant was $4700.  EVFAC did better financially in 2022 than in 2022.  Ongoing survey from participants for anonymous feedback.  EVFAC member Lisa Deburlo mentioned that the Friday night event is important, she got extra business from the people who paid to get in for the first look at the FFF.  Advertising was good this year, ads and radio.  Might not need to advertise on the radio as often as we did.  

2nd agenda item:  Churro Week Update  Leigh and Roy

EVFAC did not get grant from Northern Rio Grande Heritage Area (NRGHA) for churro week.  Did okay financially without grant.  This was a hard grant to write.  The plan is to have the Churro Week event March 11-18.  There will be a presentation on warp with Roy Kady and someone from Mora, a zoom presentation.  Roy had conflict with a date, discussion between Leigh and Roy ongoing.  Need some volunteers to help organize this, expenses are covered.  Roy waiting on a meeting from another organization and Loretto someone who cannot commit to Churro week.  Roy needs to present to another board, a Dine group, working on finalizing dates for Churro week.

3rd agenda item:  EVFAC Financial Report  Leigh

There is $26,000 in the bank account.  We are trying to hire a part time manager, not quite enough money yet to do this.  There is a big bill for taxes in January.  The EVFAC windows were broken recently need to have money for that.  We have a $1000 deductible on our insurance.  There are bullet holes in the other window.  Debbie filed a police report and is looking into the cost of new windows.  There was more talk about more security.  Trash cans have been stolen again, change in trash collection from Rio Arriba county to Espanola, ongoing….

4th agenda item:  Fundraising  Leigh

Any ideas from the board?  Carol suggested that we need to put a budget together for 2023.  If we look at last years financials, month by month analysis.  EVFAC needs to make 8-9000 $ a month to pay its bills.  

5th agenda item:  Fashion Show  Leigh

 There was a meeting about this event which will be at Northern New Mexico Community College in Espanola.  It will be on Mothers Days.  Debbie wants to find some sponsors.  Sunday May 14, 2023.  Talking about 15 fashion designers who will have 5 models each.  About an hour long fashion show.  We will open it up to EVFAC members.  Gabriel Maestas has said he will do the graphics for the show catalog.  The event will use high school kids as models.  Other fashion designers include Orlando Dugie, Josh Tafoya as headliners.  There will be a reception before the fashion show with tea and cakes.  Gabriel and Debbie think that people will pay more to attend the reception prior to the show.  This would be a juried show, we would make up a jot form for EVFAC members, a small application fee.  This would pay Amanda for her work on it.  We need an outline for the event.  All proceeds would go to EVFAC.  Artists can set up tables for the event and sell if they want.  

6th agenda item:  Ariat Grant  Leigh, Lisa Trujillo

There have been meetings with Carlos Ortega and someone else…  Rio Grande style weaving training.  Trying to recruit students.  Amanda will help with apprenticeship.  Classes at EVFAC, rental contract with a program, maybe Scholarships.  $50,000 grant from Ariat.  Lots of fees, administrative, instructors, etc.  Students would be 20 somethings and would get $10 an hour when they start out to learn production weaving.  Dana E. is involved in this as well.  EVFAC would be used for looms and classes, running training program for the weaving space.  3 weeks of training in February, using a jot form, more meetings are planned.

7th agenda item:  Class Cancellation Policy  Leigh etc.

We are revisiting this subject once again.  Amanda changed it on the website.  Policy is for the less expensive classes $65, if people cancel more than a week before class, full refund.  If they cancel within a week of class, 50% refund with a class credit for the rest.  On the more expensive classes $300 plus like Emily’s classes, if they cancel within a week, no refund at all.  They would loose all their money.  Unless they can find someone to fill their spot or if there is someone on the waitlist.  They would not get any class credit at all.  We had people who cancelled last minute, it was a problem.  We need to clarify this policy up front when they sign up.  They only exception is if there was a death in the family, case by case.  Waitlist system doesn’t really work.  We need to tighten up our policy going forward.  Nadina Barnes entered board meeting at 4:53pm, we asked her advise on class cancelation policy.  She said participants could get someone to take their place.  Tierra Wools policy transferable to other classes.  Debbie and Amanda need to be aware of class cancellation policies.  

Cheaper classes:  cancel a week before-full refund, 50% refund within a week and class credit

Expensive classes:  cancel a week before-full refund?  Cancel within a week of class-You loose all your money, no exceptions except if death in family that would be a good excuse.  Case by case. 

8th agenda item:  EVFAC Hours

We are open in December from 12-4pm, there is a sign up on the door to the middle room, but it was not in the voice mail, Liz or Debbie needs to change the voicemail.  I think they did already.

Leigh asked Nadina Barnes if there was anyone who could teach quilting?

9th agenda item:  EVFAC rental 

In a previous board meeting, someone wanted to rent the EVFAC space, this is not going to happen per Leigh.  

10th agenda item:  Christmas bonuses for Debbie and Liz

We are going to give a weeks pay to Debbie for her Christmas bonus, and $100 to Liz.  The board agreed.  

Maria moved to end the board meeting, Leigh seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 5:17 pm    


EVFAC Board meeting minutes  10/6/2022