August 3rd, 2023 - EVFAC Board meeting minutes

EVFAC Board meeting minutes August 3rd, 2023

Attendees:  Kim Zitzow, Leigh A., Mark B., Carol N., Maria J., Debbie H., Roy K.

Board meeting started at 5pm

Approval of last meeting minutes, Maria approved, Leigh seconded.

Agenda Items:

1) Financial Report:  Kim and Leigh

-2023 books are almost complete up till November, book keeper up to date.  $32,000 in the bank account at present, financials are ok.

2) New Locks EVFAC:  

-new locks for the front door.  Combo numerical lock for the side door, numerical, yarn is numerical code.  Discussion on the Spanish doors connecting the front room with the middle room, working on maybe making them more secure, a locking system?  Not resolved yet.

3) Grants:  

-grants coming up to apply for, McCune grant, Santa Fe, Maria will work with Kim when her time allows to learn a bit about grant writing to try to get another grant for EVFAC.  NRGNHA grant is due 15 September, a tough one to get, needs twice the match, 10,000 (20,000) with a budget of $30,000.  Maria has been working with Pueblo youth at Bandelier this summer, input from folks from San Ildefonso about the need for Pueblo textiles for dancers.  Idea about getting a grant for a Pueblo textile program at EVFAC in the future.  Leigh mentioned Tewa Women.  Santa Fe  Foundation grants etc.

4) Windows have been replaced at EVFAC, and we only lost 1 trash can so far at the center.

5) We are losing power in our electrical outlets, may be a mouse problem.  We need to hire an electrician to fix this problem.  It has been hot at the center, the swamp cooler is struggling.

6) New employee:  Leticia Gonzales, she works one day a week on Fridays.

7) All Members meeting:  scheduled for Saturday August 26 at center starting with a potluck at 12:30, meeting starts at 1:30.  (Subsequently it is now scheduled for the 23rd of September instead).  Debbie will send out an eblast.  

Agenda as follows:

-Report from Dain Daller about Fall Fiber Fiesta

-Financial report to members

-Kim will have a Directors report

-Summary of the past year 2022-2023-Mia will type this out to give to members.

-Introduction of board and staff of EVFAC

-re-election of some of board members:  Leigh, Mark, and Dain are up for re-election, Carol is leaving the board as president.  Solicit for new board members.

-Debbie Harris will give a retail report for past year.

-Lyndsay will have a membership report.

8) We need a maintenance day at EVFAC, will mention at all members meeting and solicit for volunteers, will be a pizza party, food provided by EVFAC.  We haven’t set a date for the clean-up day yet.

9) Report from Debbie:  her health has improved greatly.  Debbie has had volunteers as young as 14 years old, and has had an 88 year old man doing community service hours at the center.  Plans for a custom blending board for wool roving is in the works.  

10)  Scheduling next board meeting, tentatively on September 28th at 5pm.  Who will send out zoom meeting since Carol Newkirk is resigning? 

Mia moved to end the meeting, Mark seconded.  Meeting ended at 6:15pm 



9/23/2023 - EVFAC-Annual Live and Zoom-All Members Board Meeting Minutes


April 30, 2023  All members meeting: EVFAC Board meeting minutes